Empowering a Decentralized World

DAOstruct was born from the vision of empowering people to participate in the decentralized revolution. By building the tools and platform needed to navigate the world of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), we aim to make a lasting impact on industries, governance, and communities around the globe.

About section
About section

Simplifying the DAO Experience

We understand that DAOs can seem intimidating and complex to many. That's why at DAOstruct, our goal is to make discovering, investing in, and participating in DAOs as straightforward as possible. Our user-centric platform brings clarity to the DAO landscape, ensuring that users at all levels can confidently engage with this transformative technology.

Core Values: Guiding our Path

At DAOstruct, our core values serve as the compass that steers us toward our mission. We are dedicated to upholding the principles of transparency, innovation, and community focus. These values shape the way we work, the products we create, and the impact we aim to achieve.

About section

What sets us apart??

Knowledge is Power

Comprehensive DAO Ecosystem

Our platform offers a diverse range of DAOs across various sectors, enabling users to find the perfect DAO aligned with their interests and values.

Knowledge is Power

Intuitive User Interface

DAOstruct's sleek and accessible interface makes it easy for users to invest in DAOs and actively participate in their governance.

Knowledge is Power

Knowledge is Power

We provide educational resources to help users deepen their understanding of DAOs and blockchain technology, empowering them to navigate the ecosystem with confidence.

Meet the team

Nishu Kumar

Nishu Kumar

Founder & CEO

Utkarsh Singh

Utkarsh Singh

Founder & CTO

Saloni Jain

Saloni Jain

Content & Marketing

Shrishti Gupta

Shrishti Gupta


Abha Sharma

Abha Sharma


Kritik Sah

Kritik Sah

Frontend & Web3

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